Sciatic Pain

Do you suffer with a Pinched Nerve or Sciatic Pain?

Learn the 4 common causes of a Pinched Nerve and what you can do to treat it and get relief!

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(Pain running down the back of the leg)

Have you been told that you have sciatic nerve pain — pain that runs down the back of the legs? Have you been told that you have a herniated disc or Piriformis syndrome? Has no treatment helped? If so, I can give you information that can help you find a good treatment.

Sciatic pain is a term that gets thrown around a lot. If you have pain shooting down the back of your legs from either your low back or your hips, then you probably have one of the four causes of sciatica or sciatic-like conditions described in this chapter.

There are four common causes of sciatic pain, and each cause has a different treatment. A good exam should determine which of the four causes you have, but many practitioners don’t do a thorough exam. So many new patients have come into my office and said, “The doctor said I have an inflamed sciatic nerve.” The doctor hasn’t told the patient a thing!

Inflamed sciatic nerve is not a diagnosis. It is a symptom!

What the doctor should have told you is why you have an inflamed sciatic nerve. Which of the four common causes do you have?

  1. Locked-up spine
  2. Sacral iliac fixation
  3. Piriformis syndrome
  4. Herniated disc (slipped or bulging disc).

I’ll ask the patient, “Did the doctor do any physical testing — that is pushing and pulling on you? Did the doctor touch you?” They always say no. When a patient comes to me, I test for each of the four diagnoses or causes and prescribe the correct treatment. I’m confident that many practitioners (chiropractors included) aren’t aware of all the causes and aren’t looking for them. If the doctor doesn’t even know what is wrong with you, he’s not going to prescribe the right treatment.

There are other less-common causes of sciatic pain such as bone spurs and stenosis, but these are much rarer. As with the rest of my book I concentrate on the common causes missed by so many practitioners.

Included in the chapter on sciatic pain is a description of

  • The four main causes
  • Treatments for each
  • Questions to ask your doctor
  • Information on how you should heal
  • Home treatments
  • And more which may help you to solve your problem.

image1I found Dr. Bruce’s book on Sciatica to be very informative. It tells me what I can do to help myself as well as other things to look for in and from other professionals. I have had Sciatica before and was not aware that it could occur for different reasons and be located not just in my spine. His advice is good and techniques are sound for relief from the condition or symptoms of Sciatica. I can highly recommend this book to others.

Lynn Thompson

image1Where was this book two years ago when I had reoccurring pain in my hip area? I was misdiagnosed and endured a painful shot as treatment because of it. If I had read the chapter on four common causes of Sciatica two years ago, I might have realized my pain was really caused by the Sciatic Nerve being pinched. I then would have gotten the proper tests, like an MRI that showed I had several Herniated discs, which is one of the four causes Dr. Bruce’s book talks about. If this book can help just one person not suffer pain longer than needed, then it is worth the read.

Janie Russell
Loma Linda, CA